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奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde,1854年10月16日—1900年11月30日),出生于爱尔兰都柏林,19世纪英国(准确来讲是爱尔兰,但是当时由英国统治)最伟大的作家与艺术家之一,以其剧作、诗歌、童话和小说闻名,唯美主义代表人物,19世纪80年代美学运动的主力和90年代颓废派运动的先驱。


01 -Act 1 Lady Windermere.mp3

02 -Act 2 Lady Windermere.mp3

03 -Act 3 Lady Windermere.mp3

04 -Act 4 Lady Windermere.mp3

BBC R3 - The Importance of Being Earnest.mp3


The Importance of Being Earnest (BBC 77)\01 CD1.mp3

The Importance of Being Earnest (BBC 77)\02 CD2.mp3

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\01 轨道 01.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\02 轨道 02.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\03 轨道 03.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\04 轨道 04.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\05 轨道 05.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\06 轨道 06.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\07 轨道 07.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\08 轨道 08.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\09 轨道 09.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\10 轨道 10.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\11 轨道 11.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\12 轨道 12.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\13 轨道 13.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\14 轨道 14.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\15 轨道 15.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\16 轨道 16.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\17 轨道 17.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 1\18 轨道 18.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\01 轨道 01.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\02 轨道 02.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\03 轨道 03.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\04 轨道 04.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\05 轨道 05.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\06 轨道 06.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\07 轨道 07.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\08 轨道 08.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\09 轨道 09.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\10 轨道 10.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\11 轨道 11.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\12 轨道 12.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\13 轨道 13.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\14 轨道 14.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\15 轨道 15.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\16 轨道 16.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\17 轨道 17.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\18 轨道 18.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\19 轨道 19.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\20 轨道 20.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\21 轨道 21.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\22 轨道 22.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\23 轨道 23.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\24 轨道 24.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\25 轨道 25.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\26 轨道 26.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 2\27 轨道 27.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-01 3_1 Disc 3.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-02 3_2 Chapt 5.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-03 3_3 She Saw The Thin Lips Movin.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-04 3_4 Why Not Mother, I Mean It.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-05 3_5 You Are Speaking About Thin.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-06 3_6 A Sailor's Existence Was Dr.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-07 3_7 You're Not Listening To A W.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-08 3_8 She Made Her Brother Talk O.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-09 3_9 Not As Long As You Love Him.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-10 3_10 Mother, I Have Something T.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-11 3_11 The Exaggerated Folly Of T.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-12 3_12 Chapt 6.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-13 3_13 I Hope The Girls Is Good.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-14 3_14 My Dear Harry, My Dear Bas.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-15 3_15 I Can't Describe To You Wh.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-16 3_16 I'm Changed And The Mere T.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-17 3_17 One Had To Pay In Other Wa.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-18 3_18 You'll Always Be Fond Of M.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-19 3_19 Chapt 7.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-20 3_20 Anyone You Love Must Be Ma.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-21 3_21 Although I Join Thee, I Ha.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-22 3_22 How Badly I Acted Tonight.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-23 3_23 I Found That I Couls Do No.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 3\3-24 3_24 End Of Disc 3.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-01 4_1 Disc 4.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-02 4_2 She Rose From Her Knees.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-03 4_3 A Long Line Of Biys Carryin.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-04 4_4 It Was Certainly Strange.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-05 4_5 Women Were Better Suited To.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-06 4_6 Chapt 8.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-07 4_7 Had The Portrait Really Cha.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-08 4_8 It Had Made Him Conscious.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-09 4_9 By Marrying Sybil.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-10 4_10 Finally, He Stammered In A.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-11 4_11 How I Loved Her Once.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-12 4_12 Harry, Cried Dorian Gray.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-13 4_13 I Forget What Killed It.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-14 4_14 What Was That Harry.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-15 4_15 But Suppose Harry, I Becam.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-16 4_16 A Feeling Of Pain Crpet Ov.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-17 4_17 Chapt 9.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-18 4_18 My Dear Basil How Do I Kno.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-19 4_19 Dorian This Is Horrible.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-20 4_20 I Love Beautiful Things Th.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 4\4-21 4_21 End Of Disc 4.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-01 5_1 Disc 5.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-02 5_2 The Painter Felt Strangely.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-03 5_3 Hallward Was Thunder-Struck.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-04 5_4 If I Told You, You Might Li.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-05 5_5 And It Had All Been What Ar.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-06 5_6 Would There Ever Be.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-07 5_7 I Will Come And Have Tea Wi.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-08 5_8 Chapt 10.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-09 5_9 That Does Not Matter He Ans.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-10 5_10 He Felt That The Man Must.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-11 5_11 Noone Could See It, He.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-12 5_12 When The Sound Of Their Fo.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-13 5_13 His Eye Fell On The Yellow.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-14 5_14 Chapt 11.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-15 5_15 For The Wonderful Beauty T.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-16 5_16 And Certainly To Him, Life.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-17 5_17 Its Ai Indeed Was To.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-18 5_18 It Was The Creation Indeed.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-19 5_19 He Saw That There Was No M.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-20 5_20 The Debernasky Which Has T.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 5\5-21 5_21 End Of Disc 5.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-01 6_1 Disc 6.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-02 6_2 He Discovered Wonderful Sto.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-03 6_3 When The Duke.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-04 6_4 The Mortuary Class At.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-05 6_5 He Had A Special Passion Al.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-06 6_6 After A Few Years.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-07 6_7 Yet These Whispered Scandal.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-08 6_8 Had The Lover Of Giovanna O.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-09 6_9 He Felt That He Had Known T.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-10 6_10 There Was A Horrible Fasci.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-11 6_11 Chapt 12.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-12 6_12 Dorian Looked At Him And S.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-13 6_13 Somebody, I Won't Mention.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-14 6_14 I Know How People Chatter.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-15 6_15 They Say That You Corrupt.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-16 6_16 I Shall Come With You Dori.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-17 6_17 He Seemed To Recognise His.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-18 6_18 There Nothing Evil In It.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-19 6_19 He Could Hear Nothing But.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 6\6-20 6_20 End Of Disc 6.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-01 7_1 Disc 7.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-02 7_2 Having Reached The Door.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-03 7_3 I Am Sorry To Have Had To W.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-04 7_4 Chapt 14.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-05 7_5 There Were Sins Whose Fasci.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-06 7_6 Sur Une Ganne.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-07 7_7 But After A Time.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-08 7_8 Then Suddenly.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-09 7_9 You Are The One Man Who.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-10 7_10 The Man Upstairs Will Not.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-11 7_11 You Are Infamous, Absolute.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-12 7_12 As He Did So He Saw The Fa.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-13 7_13 Chapt 15.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-14 7_14 Mrs Erlin, A Pushing Nobod.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-15 7_15 How Can You Harry.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-16 7_16 I Like Men Who Have A Futu.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-17 7_17 Oh The Willoughbys.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-18 7_18 Suddenly He Started, His E.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-19 7_19 Chapt 16.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-20 7_20 On And On Plodded The Hans.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 7\7-21 7_21 End Of Disc 7.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\01 轨道 01.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\02 轨道 02.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\03 轨道 03.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\04 轨道 04.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\05 轨道 05.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\06 轨道 06.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\07 轨道 07.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\08 轨道 08.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\09 轨道 09.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\10 轨道 10.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\11 轨道 11.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\12 轨道 12.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\13 轨道 13.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\14 轨道 14.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\15 轨道 15.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\16 轨道 16.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\17 轨道 17.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\18 轨道 18.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\19 轨道 19.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\20 轨道 20.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\21 轨道 21.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\22 轨道 22.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\23 轨道 23.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\24 轨道 24.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\25 轨道 25.m4a

The Picture of Dorian Gray\Disc 8\26 轨道 26.m4a

Wilde - De Profundis - Russel Beale - BBC7 - 128 k - FryFan\Oscar Wilde De Profundis.txt

Wilde - De Profundis - Russel Beale - BBC7 - 128 k - FryFan\WildeDeProfundis1.mp3

Wilde - De Profundis - Russel Beale - BBC7 - 128 k - FryFan\WildeDeProfundis2.mp3

Wilde - De Profundis - Russel Beale - BBC7 - 128 k - FryFan\WildeDeProfundis3.mp3

Wilde - De Profundis - Russel Beale - BBC7 - 128 k - FryFan\WildeDeProfundis4.mp3

Wilde - De Profundis - Russel Beale - BBC7 - 128 k - FryFan\WildeDeProfundis5.mp3